Pump & Meter Services, Inc.

"We are committed to providing the highest value petroleum equipment and services, supported by highly trained technical personnel, in a way that depicts the professional integrity, knowledge and ethics of our company."

Passport Self-Checkout

A Day In The Life...


We were there throughout the unleaded tank boom of the late sixties, the mechanical computer pricing upgrades and the gas station self service boom of the late seventies, all the way to the age of electronic retrofits to gas pumps, the development of the multiple product dispenser (MPD), and then the business boom of underground tank compliance in the nineties, and moving into the new regulations of credit card processing, such as EMV (European Master Visa), mobile payments, and Chip and PIN Technology.

Pump and Meter Service has always kept its focus on what’s best for its customers and operated accordingly. This has been one key to our success and will continue to be in the future as we move into the uncharted waters of renewable and cleaner fueling options.

Rochester Petroleum Equipment

Pump and Meter Acquires Rochester Petroleum Equipment

Pump and Meter Service is excited to announce that we have acquired Rochester Petroleum Equipment in Stewartville, MN. Moving forward they will become a division of Pump and Meter continuing to take care of all the Gilbarco Veeder-Root service work they had been handling and adding all of our product lines that we have to offer.

RPE has a long history in the petroleum industry and has been a great partner and competitor of ours throughout the years.

Please call with any service or construction needs you have. We support our customers 24/7 with on call technicians.

Welcome to the family RPE and becoming part of our 90+ year history.

Featured Project

New Tanks at 
UW Lacrosse Wisconsin

New Tanks

We recently completed a project for UW Lacrosse Wisconsin 


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